Jul 9, 2017
2017-07-09 Nabal & Abigail The Mismatched Marriage
In this message, one of the Bible's "ugly marriages" is examined.  You will see that it is a marriage where the surface looked perfect, but at home there was intense selfishness, attitude problems, and even abuse.  However, as terrible as these things are the main problem with the marriage of Nabal and Abigail was that they were mismatched from the very beginning of their marriage - as she was a believer in God and her husband Nabal wasn't.
  • Jul 9, 20172017-07-09 Nabal & Abigail The Mismatched Marriage
    Jul 9, 2017
    2017-07-09 Nabal & Abigail The Mismatched Marriage
    In this message, one of the Bible's "ugly marriages" is examined.  You will see that it is a marriage where the surface looked perfect, but at home there was intense selfishness, attitude problems, and even abuse.  However, as terrible as these things are the main problem with the marriage of Nabal and Abigail was that they were mismatched from the very beginning of their marriage - as she was a believer in God and her husband Nabal wasn't.
  • Jul 2, 20172017-07-02 Isaac & Rebekah The Flaw of Double-Vision
    Jul 2, 2017
    2017-07-02 Isaac & Rebekah The Flaw of Double-Vision
    Continuing this series, Pastor Matt takes a look at a "Bad" marriage of the Bible - the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah.  Some marriages, even some Christian marriages start so well with the blessing of God, but gradually tear themselves apart because the husband and wife each pursue a different vision of what they want their family, their lives to look like.  This is the Flaw of Double-Vision.  In this message, we learn what to look for so we can learn what to avoid.
  • Jun 25, 20172017-06-25 Aquila & Priscilla A Good Marriage Made Great
    Jun 25, 2017
    2017-06-25 Aquila & Priscilla A Good Marriage Made Great
    Too often, we settle for "good enough," especially in our marriages.  In this first message of this series, Pastor Matt takes a look at a good marriage in the Bible that became a great marriage - the marriage of Aquila & Priscilla - and through them, we learn how to develop all of our marriages into great marriages!
  • Jun 18, 20172017-06-18 This Man Jesus
    Jun 18, 2017
    2017-06-18 This Man Jesus
    It's Father's Day, but at Vineyard Assembly of God we not only celebrate fatherhood, we celebrate manhood as well!  In this message, Pastor Matt takes a look at the qualities Jesus displayed as a boy that demonstrated he was already a "Man of God."  Also, bear in mind that since Jesus is our great example, these qualities are also key in making a woman a "Woman of God" as well.
  • Jun 11, 20172017-06-11 Today’s Gifts for Today’s Ministry
    Jun 11, 2017
    2017-06-11 Today’s Gifts for Today’s Ministry
    Have you ever gone to a store to purchase an advertised item only to find that that item has been discontinued?  The 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 haven't been discontinued, but are still valid and available to Christians today to enrich our ministry, not to enhance our egos. 
  • Jun 4, 20172017-06-04 Hard Times and the Holy Spirit
    Jun 4, 2017
    2017-06-04 Hard Times and the Holy Spirit
    Brother Heroyto (Junior) Martins - with Sister Ann Barros translating - shares a powerful message from (Matthew 4:1-11) about relying upon being full of the Holy Spirit to overcome the temptations of the Devil that come during the difficult times we all experience in the "deserts" of our lives.  As Brother Martins says, "You only win over the desert, in those fights, if you're full of the Holy Spirit."
  • May 28, 20172017-05-28 The Breeze & The Blaze
    May 28, 2017
    2017-05-28 The Breeze & The Blaze
    On the Day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the Early Church, God chose to manifest the presence of the Holy Spirit through two, unique symbols that were never repeated again - the sound of a strong wind and tongues of fire.  Together, these two symbols teach us some key insights about what we're to expect when the Holy Spirit moves in a church and in a community.
  • May 21, 20172017-05-21 An Exercise of Faith
    May 21, 2017
    2017-05-21 An Exercise of Faith
    Everything in the Christian life is about having faith in God - period.  Although everyone has different needs and situations that require faith, every Christian has the need to receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.  Jesus designed this particular need to be an universal "Exercise of Faith" for every Christian believer.
  • May 14, 20172017-05-14 Jesus Said – The Holy Spirit is with You
    May 14, 2017
    2017-05-14 Jesus Said – The Holy Spirit is with You
    "Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me" was King David's most intense prayer and greatest desire.  We sometimes focus so much on the power that the Holy Spirit gives, that we forget about the presence of the Holy Spirit.  He is a person.  He is God.  He is incredibly interested in helping us reach our maximum potential because He loves us!
  • May 7, 20172017-05-07 What Prophets Preach
    May 7, 2017
    2017-05-07 What Prophets Preach
    One of the keynote themes of the preaching of John the Baptist was that Jesus would baptize his church in the Holy Spirit.  The Church all around the world is expanding through the power of the presence of the Holy Spirit - except in the West.  Can it be that Western Churches have neglected the qualities that are needed to receive and respond to the Holy Spirit? 
  • Apr 30, 20172017-04-30 A Prophet’s Wish and a Prophetic Word
    Apr 30, 2017
    2017-04-30 A Prophet’s Wish and a Prophetic Word
    Many think of the Holy Spirit as just a "force" or "power" that Christians can tap into.  The Holy Spirit is a person - God Himself, and in the Old Testament two prophets expressed God's plan for the Holy Spirit to made available to every Christian.  This wish and this word from these two prophets form the foundation of our understanding of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.  That God desires to immerse each Christian in Himself - and through His Presence, provide the power we need to represent Jesus Christ to the fullest.
  • Apr 23, 20172017-04-23 To Every Generation – To Every Nation
    Apr 23, 2017
    2017-04-23 To Every Generation – To Every Nation
    This final message of the series on "The Crossroads of Christianity" celebrates how the Church of Jesus Christ (comprised of individual Christians) must continue to intentionally pass the message of the Good News of Jesus Christ "To Every Generation - To Every Nation."
  • Apr 16, 20172017-04-16 Jesus, The God Who Won’t Stay Dead
    Apr 16, 2017
    2017-04-16 Jesus, The God Who Won’t Stay Dead
    The claim that Jesus rose from the dead after being crucified and buried is Christianity's most crucial and controversial claim.  Which is why human ingenuity, authority, and legality has worked together to try to keep Jesus dead in the hearts and minds of people everywhere.  This fact has made Christianity the world's most persecuted religion, but also points to the inescapable truth of Christianity - that Jesus is ALIVE!
  • Apr 9, 20172017-04-09 Palms, Praise, and People
    Apr 9, 2017
    2017-04-09 Palms, Praise, and People
    The same crowd that had shouted praises and laid palms at Jesus' feet later demanded his crucifixion.  Why?  Sometimes we become disappointed and embittered with God when it appears He hasn't fulfilled His promises or answered our prayers when and how we would prefer Him to do so.  When this happens deep in our hearts our praise begins to fade and our palms wither.  However, there is a way to avoid this!
  • Apr 2, 20172017-04-02 When Filled with the Holy Spirit
    Apr 2, 2017
    2017-04-02 When Filled with the Holy Spirit
    The Peter we see preaching on the Day of Pentecost isn't the same Peter who denied knowing Jesus only 50 days before!  What changed this man's character?  It was being filled with the Holy Spirit - an experience that works the same change in character for every Christian.