Sep 23, 2018
2018-09-23 More Important Matters
Series: Back to School!
In (Matthew 23:23) Jesus identifies what he calls the "More Important Matters" - Justice, Mercy, and Faithfulness. In a Christianity often afflicted by cause/effect legalistic teachings Christians need to understand the necessity of living lives of Justice, Mercy, and Faithfulness in order to adequately reflect Jesus.
- Sep 23, 20182018-09-23 More Important Matters
Sep 23, 20182018-09-23 More Important MattersSeries: Back to School!In (Matthew 23:23) Jesus identifies what he calls the "More Important Matters" - Justice, Mercy, and Faithfulness. In a Christianity often afflicted by cause/effect legalistic teachings Christians need to understand the necessity of living lives of Justice, Mercy, and Faithfulness in order to adequately reflect Jesus.
- Sep 16, 20182018.09.16 Transformational Tithing
Sep 16, 20182018.09.16 Transformational TithingSeries: Back to School!The practice of tithing has been subjected to a lot of misunderstanding and misinformation. In this message; Pastor Matt explains what tithing is, answers the key objections to tithing, and shows that when tithing is practiced (out of love for God by faith) it is transformational to both the local church and yourself.
- Sep 16, 20182018.09.16 Transformational Tithing
Sep 16, 20182018.09.16 Transformational Tithing"Transformational Tithing"The practice of tithing has been subjected to a lot of misunderstanding and misrepresentation. In this message, Pastor Matt explains what tithing is, answers the major objections to tithing, and shows that tithing (when practiced out of love for God by faith) is transformational to both the local church and to you!
- Sep 2, 20182018-09-02 Encouraging Church
Sep 2, 20182018-09-02 Encouraging ChurchThe best way to encourage Christians and non-Christians to come to church is to be an Encouraging Church! Not a church that relies on platitudes, clichés, catch-phrases, and gimmicks - but a church, an assembly of people who sincerely believe and live out their faith in Jesus Christ together.That is Christianity!
- Aug 26, 20182018-08-26 Decide!
Aug 26, 20182018-08-26 Decide!Whenever we Christians try to live our lives apart from Jesus (or treating Jesus as an accessory to our lives) eventually we spiritually stagnate. Instead, we need to decide to live the Jesus-Life of devotion and action to keep ourselves from stagnating spiritually.
- Aug 19, 20182018-08-19 Our Core Relationships
Aug 19, 20182018-08-19 Our Core RelationshipsA primary source of discouragement in people's lives are their "core relationships" - marriage, family, and work. This sermon looks at a controversial selection of the Bible and discovers that it really isn't controversial at all as it tells us how to approach whatever relationship we're in in a way that is personally empowering and ultimately glorifying to Jesus Christ!
- Aug 5, 20182018.08.05 Be Free & Be Filled
Aug 5, 20182018.08.05 Be Free & Be FilledOne of the heaviest discouragements Christians sometimes impose on themselves and on others is the burden of man-made rules and expectations which are used as tools for measuring a person's spiritual maturity as a Christian. This is nothing more than legalism! In this message, Pastor Matt shares God's desire for us to Be Free from legalism and Be Filled with the freedom of experiencing the presence and power of Jesus.
- Jul 22, 20182018-07-22 Resiliency and Christ-Centered Christianity
Jul 22, 20182018-07-22 Resiliency and Christ-Centered ChristianityIn practice, Christians tend to build a performance-centered, personality-centered, product-centered, or problem-centered faith rather than a faith that is completely centered on Jesus Christ. Because we're naturally not resilient when it comes to the tragedies, difficulties, and crises of life any faith that isn't centered on Jesus Christ will lead to discouragement. Only Christ-centered Christianity is resilient Christianity.
- Jul 15, 20182018-07-15 The Choices of Pain
Jul 15, 20182018-07-15 The Choices of PainAnyone who has experienced physical, psychological, and spiritual pain knows that pain can lead us into discouragement - about life, about ourselves, about people, and about God. However, the Bible teaches that through faith in Jesus Christ we have the option, the choice to not be discouraged when we experience pain in this life.
- Jun 24, 20182018-06-24 Blurry Christ – Blurry Christianity
Jun 24, 20182018-06-24 Blurry Christ – Blurry ChristianityIt is a fact that Christians can and do become discouraged about their Christianity. In this message we see how this discouragement isn't caused by God's performance but by our perception of Jesus. If we have a blurry, unclear view of who Jesus is then we will have a blurry, unclear view of what our Christianity is.
- Jun 17, 20182018-06-17 Undiscovered Possibilities
Jun 17, 20182018-06-17 Undiscovered PossibilitiesMany Christians live with chronic discouragement. Like a bad knee or a bad back, chronic discouragement hinders our ability to respond fully to Jesus Christ. When we're chronically discouraged we tend to settle for second-best. It is important to realize that overcoming chronic discouragement doesn't require more prayer - it requires a different perspective.
- Jun 10, 20182018-06-10 What I Wish I Knew
Jun 10, 20182018-06-10 What I Wish I KnewPeople are longing for Christians to give them real hope and real encouragement and not just another empty spiritual platitude or pep-talk. In this message from (Colossians 1:1-2) Pastor Matt takes a look at Who we are and What we have in Jesus Christ that Christians to offer real hope and real encouragement to everyone who needs it.
- Apr 1, 20182018-04-01 The Empty Gifts of Jesus
Apr 1, 20182018-04-01 The Empty Gifts of JesusSeries: Lent, An Invitation to Repent!!! RESURRECTION SUNDAY !!!Usually, we think of emptiness as something bad - but sometimes, empty is very good! In this message, Pastor Matt shares about what Jesus left for us - an Empty Cross and an Empty Tomb - and what these Empty Gifts of Jesus mean for us today.
- Mar 25, 20182018-03-25 Warm Hands, Cold Hearts
Mar 25, 20182018-03-25 Warm Hands, Cold HeartsSeries: Lent, An Invitation to RepentSometimes, as Christians, our hands grow warm through the work for God that we're doing - but our hearts grow cold through a lack of love for the Person and Presence of the Holy Spirit being active in and through the work God has asked us to do.
- Mar 18, 20182018-03-18 Let the Little Children Come
Mar 18, 20182018-03-18 Let the Little Children ComeSeries: Lent, An Invitation to RepentWith a death-toll far higher than that of modern wars, the AIDS pandemic, drug overdoses, gun violence, and terrorism - the abortion of millions of voiceless, defenseless children is the great sin and tragedy of our society. Abortions even occur among Christians! Yet Christians need to rise above the politics to realize that every abortion also represents a woman in intense need.