Sep 29, 2019
2019-09-29 A 100% Organic Church
Series: A Journey Into God's Presence
(Psalm 133)
Everyone loves home-grown, garden-fresh, 100% organic vegetables! They taste better and are healthier for you! What about a 100% Organic Church? A Church that has the unity it was meant to have because that unity isn't diluted by unnatural beliefs and practices that were never intended to have a place in a Church. In this message, Pastor Matt challenges the church to be 100% Organic!
- Sep 29, 20192019-09-29 A 100% Organic Church
Sep 29, 20192019-09-29 A 100% Organic ChurchSeries: A Journey Into God's Presence(Psalm 133)Everyone loves home-grown, garden-fresh, 100% organic vegetables! They taste better and are healthier for you! What about a 100% Organic Church? A Church that has the unity it was meant to have because that unity isn't diluted by unnatural beliefs and practices that were never intended to have a place in a Church. In this message, Pastor Matt challenges the church to be 100% Organic!
- Sep 22, 20192019-09-22 Sorry! No Fast-Food Faith
Sep 22, 20192019-09-22 Sorry! No Fast-Food FaithSeries: A Journey Into God's Presence(Psalm 132)Often, we want God to respond to our faith as quickly as we can get our order for fast-food. We regard our faith as the currency for our transactions with God and we become frustrated when our faith doesn't yield the results we want when we want them. Here in (Psalm 132) we learn some important lessons about what having a mature faith in God requires.
- Sep 8, 20192019-09-08 Dr. Arnett, President, Northpoint Bible College
Sep 8, 20192019-09-08 Dr. Arnett, President, Northpoint Bible CollegeSeries: 2019 - Special Messages* * SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER * *Dr. David Arnett - President, Northpoint Bible College, Haverhill, MassachusettsIn this encouraging message, Dr. Arnett speaks about how history (past, present, and future) is altered through the persistence of Christian men and women in prayer.
- Sep 1, 20192019-09-01 Two Effects of Getting Closer to God
Sep 1, 20192019-09-01 Two Effects of Getting Closer to GodSeries: A Journey Into God's Presence(Psalm 131)Often, when we think about getting closer to God, we expect to become more spiritual - to enjoy a higher level of answered prayers, breakthroughs, and power in our lives and ministries. However, in (Psalm 131). there is a far different emphasis on humility and peace as the primary effects of getting closer to God.
- Aug 25, 20192019-08-25 From Gutter to Glory
Aug 25, 20192019-08-25 From Gutter to GlorySeries: A Journey Into God's PresencePsalm 130We thrill to hear stories of how people went from "rags to riches," but the fact is that if you are a follower of Jesus Christ then you have a better story! You have gone and are going from "Gutter to Glory." As such, you have the ability to pray, to hope, and to encourage others as you travel the journey of life.
- Aug 18, 20192019-08-18 Finding Persistence & Purpose in Pain
Aug 18, 20192019-08-18 Finding Persistence & Purpose in PainSeries: A Journey Into God's Presence(Psalm 129)Unlike Western Culture which is obsessed with eliminating or minimizing pain - the Bible never avoids pain. Many (even Christians) become angry with God when He doesn't remove pain from our lives. The Bible is very clear that when we learn how to find persistence and purpose in pain that is when we discover a deeper, richer, and more mature faith in Jesus Christ!
- Aug 11, 20192019-08-11 A Better Life
Aug 11, 20192019-08-11 A Better LifeSeries: A Journey Into God's Presence(Psalm 128)Every person has an instinctive desire for a better life because we intuitively know that life in this world isn't what it is supposed to be. (Psalm 128) teaches us that happiness and satisfaction cannot be found anywhere our with anything or anyone in this world. The Bible never promises a problem-free, pain-free life - but the Bible does tell us that following Jesus will give us the better life we're looking for!
- Aug 4, 20192019-08-04 Is God Your Center?
Aug 4, 20192019-08-04 Is God Your Center?Series: A Journey Into God's Presence(Psalm 127)This Psalm is designed to compel us to ask ourselves the question, "Is God Your Center?" We are products of our culture and civilization, but an honest analysis of our culture and civilization will indicate that God is NOT at the center. The challenge we all face is to discover the areas where our culture and civilization exert more influence on our values and priorities than Jesus Christ does.
- Jul 21, 20192019-07-21When God Says; Yes, Enough, and Now
Jul 21, 20192019-07-21When God Says; Yes, Enough, and NowSeries: A Journey Into God's Presence(Psalm 126)The Bible is very clear that everyone who is serious about following Jesus will go through difficult, even painful times in their lives. Since Jesus is the "author and finisher" of our faith, there will come a day when Jesus will look upon our painful, difficult situation and say YES to our prayers, ENOUGH to our difficulties, and NOW to our deliverance!
- Jul 14, 20192019-07-14 Unshakable!
Jul 14, 20192019-07-14 Unshakable!Series: A Journey Into God's Presence(Psalm 125)In (1 Corinthians 15:58) we're told as Christians to be unshakable - when faced by the demands and pressures of life this seems like an impossible standard. However, (Psalm 125) tells us how a Christian can live their life of faith in Jesus Christ unshakably despite all of the storms of life and the assaults of Satan.May this message encourage you!
- Jul 7, 20192019-07-07 Rhode Island Women’s Teen Challenge
Jul 7, 20192019-07-07 Rhode Island Women’s Teen ChallengeSeries: 2019 - Special Messages- SPECIAL SERVICE -Rhode Island Women's Teen ChallengeMay your faith in Jesus Christ's ability to overcome any negative circumstances or bad decisions in your life be encouraged by the worship and testimonies of these ladies!
- Jun 23, 20192019-06-23 A Lesson in Humility
Jun 23, 20192019-06-23 A Lesson in HumilitySeries: A Journey Into God's Presence(Psalm 124)As we journey into the presence of God, sooner or later we will be confronted by the simple truth that God is MORE than we will ever be! In our pride we cling to our independence instead of learning how to live in God-dependence - then we take credit for what God has (and is) doing in our lives. As Christians, we sometimes believe that the blessings we receive are due to our own faith, holiness, and service - we need "A Lesson in Humility."
- Jun 16, 20192019-06-16 Watching for Your Blessings
Jun 16, 20192019-06-16 Watching for Your BlessingsSeries: A Journey Into God's Presence(Psalm 123)God is the source of every blessing that we receive in this life, yet all too often, we look to ourselves and to other things to provide us with the blessings we want when we want them. We need to look to God! Let our focus be on God as we watch for our blessings.
- Jun 9, 20192019-06-09 Let’s Go-To Church
Jun 9, 20192019-06-09 Let’s Go-To ChurchSeries: A Journey Into God's Presence(Psalm 122)We live in a culture that tends to regard church-goers with a mixture of skepticism and ridicule as a waste of time. In our 24/7 society, many Christians have to fight this same attitude as their work (of necessity) consumes so much of their time leaving them with so little free-time. We in the West have to rediscover the passion and power that exists when Christians gather together to experience the presence of Jesus - and each other!
- Jun 2, 20192019-06-02 Victory in the Valley
Jun 2, 20192019-06-02 Victory in the ValleySeries: A Journey Into God's Presence(Psalm 121)We live this life under the shadow of death. At any time we can face difficulties, problems, struggles, conflicts, traumas, and tragedies. Psalm 121 promises that God has given us Victory in the Valley - our challenge is that we don't always recognize the victory that God gives us.