Jul 14, 2019
2019-07-14 Unshakable!
Series: A Journey Into God's Presence
(Psalm 125)
In (1 Corinthians 15:58) we're told as Christians to be unshakable - when faced by the demands and pressures of life this seems like an impossible standard. However, (Psalm 125) tells us how a Christian can live their life of faith in Jesus Christ unshakably despite all of the storms of life and the assaults of Satan.
May this message encourage you!
- Jul 14, 20192019-07-14 Unshakable!
Jul 14, 20192019-07-14 Unshakable!Series: A Journey Into God's Presence(Psalm 125)In (1 Corinthians 15:58) we're told as Christians to be unshakable - when faced by the demands and pressures of life this seems like an impossible standard. However, (Psalm 125) tells us how a Christian can live their life of faith in Jesus Christ unshakably despite all of the storms of life and the assaults of Satan.May this message encourage you!
- Jul 7, 20192019-07-07 Rhode Island Women’s Teen Challenge
Jul 7, 20192019-07-07 Rhode Island Women’s Teen ChallengeSeries: 2019 - Special Messages- SPECIAL SERVICE -Rhode Island Women's Teen ChallengeMay your faith in Jesus Christ's ability to overcome any negative circumstances or bad decisions in your life be encouraged by the worship and testimonies of these ladies!
- Jun 23, 20192019-06-23 A Lesson in Humility
Jun 23, 20192019-06-23 A Lesson in HumilitySeries: A Journey Into God's Presence(Psalm 124)As we journey into the presence of God, sooner or later we will be confronted by the simple truth that God is MORE than we will ever be! In our pride we cling to our independence instead of learning how to live in God-dependence - then we take credit for what God has (and is) doing in our lives. As Christians, we sometimes believe that the blessings we receive are due to our own faith, holiness, and service - we need "A Lesson in Humility."
- Jun 16, 20192019-06-16 Watching for Your Blessings
Jun 16, 20192019-06-16 Watching for Your BlessingsSeries: A Journey Into God's Presence(Psalm 123)God is the source of every blessing that we receive in this life, yet all too often, we look to ourselves and to other things to provide us with the blessings we want when we want them. We need to look to God! Let our focus be on God as we watch for our blessings.
- Jun 9, 20192019-06-09 Let’s Go-To Church
Jun 9, 20192019-06-09 Let’s Go-To ChurchSeries: A Journey Into God's Presence(Psalm 122)We live in a culture that tends to regard church-goers with a mixture of skepticism and ridicule as a waste of time. In our 24/7 society, many Christians have to fight this same attitude as their work (of necessity) consumes so much of their time leaving them with so little free-time. We in the West have to rediscover the passion and power that exists when Christians gather together to experience the presence of Jesus - and each other!
- Jun 2, 20192019-06-02 Victory in the Valley
Jun 2, 20192019-06-02 Victory in the ValleySeries: A Journey Into God's Presence(Psalm 121)We live this life under the shadow of death. At any time we can face difficulties, problems, struggles, conflicts, traumas, and tragedies. Psalm 121 promises that God has given us Victory in the Valley - our challenge is that we don't always recognize the victory that God gives us.
- May 26, 20192019-05-26 In My Distress, I Find Jesus
May 26, 20192019-05-26 In My Distress, I Find JesusSeries: A Journey Into God's Presence(Psalm 120)Our Journey Into God's Presence begins, as does Psalm 120, with a prayer that is prayed to God in distress. Being human, we're not motivated to seek help or to change unless we are in some kind of distress. This is why it is in our distress that we can find Jesus!
- May 19, 20192019-05-19 Returning King
May 19, 20192019-05-19 Returning KingSeries: Rediscovering Jesus(Acts 1:1-14)For this final message of this series - we go back to the beginning of the Christian Church where we discover that Jesus-centered Christianity thrives on the expectation of the return of Jesus. When we truly Rediscover Jesus as our Returning King, we're motivated to passionately live out our Christian faith in this world.
- May 5, 20192019-05-05 High Priest
May 5, 20192019-05-05 High PriestSeries: Rediscovering Jesus(Hebrews 4:14-16)Christians need to rediscover Jesus as their personal High Priest. This means that at this very moment Jesus is praying for you, and because of his role as High Priest you have the ability to pray to God, now, about anything. In this message, Pastor Matt encourages you to pour your heart out to God since he has poured himself out for you as your High Priest.
- Apr 28, 20192019-04-28 Spirit Baptizer
Apr 28, 20192019-04-28 Spirit BaptizerSeries: Rediscovering Jesus(Luke 3:16)Christians sometimes become enamored with various personalities, "spiritual celebrities" that promise a new or greater anointing if you follow and support their ministries. In contrast, the Bible clearly teaches that Jesus Christ is the one and only Spirit Baptizer - and it is to Jesus that Christians should look to in desiring to be baptized in the Holy Spirit.
- Apr 21, 20192019-04-21 Dead Raiser
Apr 21, 20192019-04-21 Dead RaiserSeries: Rediscovering Jesus- EASTER SUNDAY -(John 11:17-27)Over the past 20 years, there has been a surge in the popularity of zombies and vampires in entertainment. Not only is this symptom of the anxieties caused by the hopelessness and nothingness inherent to contemporary Western Culture - it also has the effect of subtly implanting the idea that the Resurrection of Jesus is something abhorrent. In this message, we rediscover the promises and possibilities that Jesus' resurrection from the dead offers to anyone who believes that Jesus is the Son of God and is ALIVE!
- Apr 14, 20192019-04-14 Temple Cleanser
Apr 14, 20192019-04-14 Temple CleanserSeries: Rediscovering Jesus(Matthew 21:1-17)On Palm Sunday, Jesus was welcomed into Jerusalem with shouts of celebration - but then Jesus immediately entered the Temple and began to cleanse it. In our lives as Christians we have to move beyond the celebratory aspects of worship and enter the consecration of worship. Since the Bible tells us that we are the Temple of the Holy Spirit, we should expect Jesus to work to cleanse our Temple (ourselves) of any idol, sin, attitude, behavior, or pattern of thinking that detracts from our faith in God.
- Apr 7, 20192019-04-07 Perfect Sacrifice
Apr 7, 20192019-04-07 Perfect SacrificeSeries: Rediscovering Jesus(Hebrews 10)Humanity and every human being shares the same endemic problem - SIN. In his life, death, and resurrection Jesus was the "Perfect Sacrifice" for our sins. In this message, Pastor Matt takes a look at how Jesus' self-sacrifice for our sins continues to liberate and transform us.
- Mar 31, 20192019-03-31 Master Teacher
Mar 31, 20192019-03-31 Master TeacherSeries: Rediscovering Jesus(Luke 24:13-32)After his resurrection from death, Jesus' disciples rapidly discovered that Jesus really was the "Master Teacher." Jesus is still the Master Teacher of every sincere Christian who earnestly desires to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Jesus takes us where we are, and begins to teach us out of our ignorance and immaturity so we can be mature followers of Him.
- Mar 24, 20192019-03-24 Story Writer
Mar 24, 20192019-03-24 Story WriterSeries: Rediscovering Jesus(Hebrews 12:1-3)People today - both Christians and non-Christians - need to rediscover Jesus as the "Story Writer," the "author and finisher of our faith." Jesus Christ died for us, rose from the dead for us, sent the Holy Spirit to us, and prays for us because He has a plan for each of us! We need to be reminded that His plan for us does not include a destiny dominated by our history or a future controlled by our failures!