Feb 23, 2020
2020-02-23 Lazy Winter – Hungry Summer
(Proverbs 20:4)
"Lazy Winter - Hungry Summer"
The "Winters of the Soul"that all of us face in life may seem like bleak, dead experiences but in reality how we respond to the "Winters of our Soul" determines how well we do during the "Summers of our Soul." In this message, Pastor Matt shows us how to respond to the Test of Difficulty and the Test of Deception that Christians must pass during the "Winter of the Soul."
- Feb 23, 20202020-02-23 Lazy Winter – Hungry Summer
Feb 23, 20202020-02-23 Lazy Winter – Hungry Summer(Proverbs 20:4)"Lazy Winter - Hungry Summer"The "Winters of the Soul"that all of us face in life may seem like bleak, dead experiences but in reality how we respond to the "Winters of our Soul" determines how well we do during the "Summers of our Soul." In this message, Pastor Matt shows us how to respond to the Test of Difficulty and the Test of Deception that Christians must pass during the "Winter of the Soul."
- Feb 16, 20202020-02-16 The Winter Warrior
Feb 16, 20202020-02-16 The Winter Warrior(2 Samuel 23:20)"The Winter Warrior"Winters of the Soul are noted for their adversity, their difficulty, their capacity to intimidate and overwhelm Christians in their daily journey with Jesus. However, we learn from the story of Benaiah (a "Winter Warrior") that every Christian has built into their identity by God the ability to become like Benaiah - an unstoppable "Winter Warrior!
- Feb 9, 20202020-02-09 Surving the Winter Without Shipwreck
Feb 9, 20202020-02-09 Surving the Winter Without Shipwreck(Acts 27:6-12)"Surviving the Winter Without Shipwreck"Winters of the Soul often coincide with the Storms of Life. Together, these difficult times have the potential to shipwreck a Christian's faith in Jesus Christ. However, the Bible tells us God's method for insuring that our faith will survive the Winter of the Soul without shipwreck.
- Jan 26, 20202020-01-26 Awakening to the Blessing of Winter!
Jan 26, 20202020-01-26 Awakening to the Blessing of Winter!(1 Corinthians 16:5-9)"Awakening to the Blessing of Winter!"Winter is often thought of as a dark, cold, uncomfortable, and possibly dangerous time - BUT - winter can also be a time of beauty, excitement, and joy. God is calling His people to wake up to the special blessings that can take place in our lives while we walk with God through a "Winter of the Soul."
- Jan 19, 20202020-01-19 God is With You in the Winter!
Jan 19, 20202020-01-19 God is With You in the Winter!(Genesis 8:20-22)"God is WITH YOU in the Winter!"Life brings different seasons, for everyone there will come a "Winter of the Soul." As Christians, we much prefer the "Summer of the Soul" when having faith in God is easy, when prayer is easy, when worship is easy, when serving God is easy. Yet, we need to realize that God is just as with us during the Winter as He is during the Summer!
- Jan 12, 20202020-01-12 Never Stop Praying
Jan 12, 20202020-01-12 Never Stop PrayingSeries: 2020 - Special MessagesSpecial Guest - Pastor Vandercleison TrindadeServing as the pastor of Igreja Apostolica Evangelho Vivo - (Vineyard Assembly of God's new daughter church to the Brazilian community) - Pastor Vander delivers a powerful message of encouragement to "Never Stop Praying."Translator: Junior De Oliviera
- Dec 8, 20192019-12-08 How Should We Respond?
Dec 8, 20192019-12-08 How Should We Respond?"How Should We Respond?"(Ephesians 4:11-15)In this special message, Pastor Matt gives a Biblical, Christ-centered, Gospel-focused message in response to the placement of decals bearing a Biblical message about homosexuality and lesbianism on three Island religious buildings that display the pride flag.
- Dec 1, 20192019-12-01 Living Thanks
Dec 1, 20192019-12-01 Living ThanksSeries: 2019 - Special Messages(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)"Living Thanks"In this special Thanksgiving message, Pastor Matt talks about the call we have to move beyond isolated acts of Giving Thanks into a Christ-like lifestyle of Living Thanks.
- Nov 24, 20192019-11-24 The Sparks of Revival
Nov 24, 20192019-11-24 The Sparks of RevivalSeries: How To Keep A Revival(1 Samuel 30:1-25)"The Sparks of Revival"Following Jesus will not always lead us on an easy path. There will be times of unexpected difficulty and pain, but these occasions do not have to be set-backs spiritually. Instead, they can become the sparks that actually ignite revival in our lives.
- Nov 17, 20192019-11-17 The Potential for Personal Revival
Nov 17, 20192019-11-17 The Potential for Personal RevivalSeries: How To Keep A Revival(Judges 6:1-12)"The Potential for Personal Revival"Where is the revival in America today? Why don't we see revival in the churches of America today? These questions (and others) are answered in this message as we see how the Bible challenges individual Christians everywhere to not wait for their churches, their pastors, or their families, but to step into Personal Revival.
- Nov 10, 20192019-11-10 The Ruin & Restoration of Revival
Nov 10, 20192019-11-10 The Ruin & Restoration of RevivalSeries: How To Keep A Revival(Judges 3:12-15)"The Ruin & Restoration of Revival"Whatever has been ruined can also be restored! Christians and churches should be aware that the presence of sin will cause the ruin of a revival, but whenever that sin is admitted and abandoned, then Jesus can again bring a restoration of revival!
- Nov 3, 20192019-11-03 The Enemies of Revival
Nov 3, 20192019-11-03 The Enemies of RevivalSeries: How To Keep A Revival(Exodus 17:8-16)"The Enemies of Revival"Whatever God gives, Satan will work to "steal, kill, and destroy." In this message, we learn how to defeat the inevitable challenges to revival that will come anytime the Holy Spirit begins to stir Christians and Churches to begin to be passionate about faith in Jesus Christ, rather than casual about our faith in Jesus Christ.
- Oct 27, 20192019-10-27 Preparing for Revival_Part 2
Oct 27, 20192019-10-27 Preparing for Revival_Part 2Series: Preparing for Revival(Ezekiel 12:21-28)"Preparing for Revival - Part 2"In this message, we hear about what a Christian, and what a Church should expect from God during a Revival. During Ezekiel's time, the people of Israel had negative expectations about God - many Christians have the same today. Often, we've been disappointed because we've expected the wrong things from God, but Ezekiel outlines what we should expect from God during a Revival.
- Oct 20, 20192019-10-20 Preparing for Revival – Part 1
Oct 20, 20192019-10-20 Preparing for Revival – Part 1Series: Preparing for Revival(Ezekiel 12:1-7)"Preparing for Revival - Part 1"Revival doesn't just happen, neither is it simply an emotional stirring. Revival happens when Christians come alive to fullness of God's presence and power in their lives. As Vineyard Assembly of God prepares for revival - it is important to be aware of several hindrances to revival that need to be addressed in our personal lives so that we can both individually and corporately experience revival.
- Oct 13, 20192019-10-13 Unseen But Not Unsung
Oct 13, 20192019-10-13 Unseen But Not UnsungSeries: A Journey Into God's Presence(Psalm 134)This Psalm celebrates the "night-shift workers" of every local church. The people who do the unnoticed but absolutely necessary work of a church. In this message of encouragement we are reminded that even if the work you do is unseen, unnoticed, and unappreciated by people - it is seen, noticed, appreciated, and will be rewarded by God!