Apr 11, 2021
2021-04-11 From Helpless Tears to Hopeful Joy
"From Helpless Tears to Hopeful Joy"
(Mark 16:9-11) & (John 20:11-18)
Beyond the Tomb of Jesus was (and is) the Resurrected Life of Jesus.  A life that He wants everyone, especially those who claim Him as Christians to experience.  In this first message of this series we look at Jesus' First Appearance after His Resurrection - to a woman paralyzed by trauma and grief and shows her a better way!
  • Apr 11, 20212021-04-11 From Helpless Tears to Hopeful Joy
    Apr 11, 2021
    2021-04-11 From Helpless Tears to Hopeful Joy
    "From Helpless Tears to Hopeful Joy"
    (Mark 16:9-11) & (John 20:11-18)
    Beyond the Tomb of Jesus was (and is) the Resurrected Life of Jesus.  A life that He wants everyone, especially those who claim Him as Christians to experience.  In this first message of this series we look at Jesus' First Appearance after His Resurrection - to a woman paralyzed by trauma and grief and shows her a better way!
  • Feb 28, 2021Beyond Death – Part 4: The Judgment Seat of Christ
    Feb 28, 2021
    Beyond Death – Part 4: The Judgment Seat of Christ
    Series: Beyond Death
    "Beyond Death - Part 4: The Judgment Seat of Christ"
    (2 Corinthians 5:6-10)
    For the Christian, one of the most exciting events that will occur in the future is the Judgment Seat of Christ - a time when Jesus Himself will examine all the works and deeds of a Christian's life and decide to either give or withhold additional rewards.
  • Feb 21, 20212021-02-21 Beyond Death-Part 3 The Final Judgment
    Feb 21, 2021
    2021-02-21 Beyond Death-Part 3 The Final Judgment
    Series: Beyond Death
    "Beyond Death - Part 3: The Final Judgment"
    (Revelation 20:11-15)
    Our inborn desire for justice is a reflection of our inner-knowledge that one day there will be a Final Judgment before God.  This subject is so important, God made sure that the Bible contained an entire passage exclusively devoted to this teaching - because God wants people to accept His Plan for escaping The Final Judgment!
  • Feb 14, 20212021-02-14 Beyond Death-Part 2 The Reality of Heaven
    Feb 14, 2021
    2021-02-14 Beyond Death-Part 2 The Reality of Heaven
    Series: Beyond Death
    "Beyond Death - Part 2: The Reality of Heaven"
    (Genesis 1:1-2) & (Revelation 21:1-4)
    The Bible is very clear that there is a Heaven - it just doesn't give a lot of details about Heaven.  However, what the Bible does tell us about Heaven is beyond our currently ability to fully understand.  The Heaven of the Bible is an amazing place!
  • Feb 7, 20212021-02-07 Come Out of Your Darkness
    Feb 7, 2021
    2021-02-07 Come Out of Your Darkness
    "Come Out of Your Darkness"
    (Isaiah 60:1-2)
    *** Special Guest:  Pastor Ronald Meikle ***
    In this message, Pastor Ronald gives voice to God's call for us to step out of the darkness of our sins and into being the lights Jesus has called us to be.
  • Jan 31, 20212021-01-31 Beyond Death-Part 1 The Reality of Hell
    Jan 31, 2021
    2021-01-31 Beyond Death-Part 1 The Reality of Hell
    Series: Beyond Death
    "Beyond Death - Part 1: The Reality of Hell"
    (Luke 16:19-31)
    There is considerable curiosity - and misinformation - about the afterlife, even among professing Christians.  In this first message of this series, we learn from the words of Jesus Himself, about the reality of Hell.
  • Jan 17, 20212021-01-17 A Plan for Restoration
    Jan 17, 2021
    2021-01-17 A Plan for Restoration
    "A Plan for Restoration"
    (Psalm 80)
    Restoration is the heart and plan of Jesus for every person, every church, and every nation.  Yet, restoration cannot happen until Christians begin to pursue it in prayer.  In this Psalm, the writer, Asaph, prays for restoration in a way that reveals God's plan, God's design for how our prayers of restoration are to be shaped and directed.
  • Jan 10, 20212021-01-10 Called Highter-Go Higher
    Jan 10, 2021
    2021-01-10 Called Highter-Go Higher
    "Called Higher - Go Higher"
    (Philippians 3:12-14)
    The direction of Christianity is always UP!  As Christians we're meant to be constantly growing, consistently aspiring to become more Christlike.  Many of the participants at the Capitol Riots were Christians who had forgotten that the highest aim of Christianity is to reach for and grab hold of everything Jesus has for us - and that includes the truth that the "weapons of our warfare are not the world's weapons."
  • Jan 3, 20212021-01-03 Three Lessons About Change
    Jan 3, 2021
    2021-01-03 Three Lessons About Change
    "Three Lessons About Change"
    (Ecclesiastes 3:1-14)
    Change is an inevitable fact of life and a necessary part of every Christian's life.  Yet, we often resist change.  We fight it.  We pray against it.  But God's greatest and deepest work within us is accomplished through change.  In this message, Pastor Matt shares from the Bible Three Lessons About Change that will encourage, challenge, and strengthen your walk of faith with Jesus Christ.
  • Dec 20, 20202020-12-20 The Hope of Christmas
    Dec 20, 2020
    2020-12-20 The Hope of Christmas
    "The Hope of Christmas"
    (Isaiah 9:6-7)
    People thrive on hope and whither in despair.  We should remember that the message of Christianity, the message of Jesus is a message of HOPE!  In this sermon, Pastor Matt takes a look at the fourth great Christmas prophecy and its tremendous message of hope for us today.
  • Dec 13, 20202020-12-13 The Miracle of Christmas
    Dec 13, 2020
    2020-12-13 The Miracle of Christmas
    "The Miracle of Christmas"
    (Isaiah 7:10-16)
    The miracle of Christmas is the fulfillment of this prophecy that Jesus would be born from a virgin.  The Bible's teaching on this miracle is a challenge to human unbelief and rebellion as it immediately puts us in the position of having to decide whether or not to believe the message of Jesus.  Ultimately, if we will not believe what the Bible tells us about Jesus, we cannot have faith in Jesus.
  • Dec 6, 20202020-12-06 The Desire of Christmas
    Dec 6, 2020
    2020-12-06 The Desire of Christmas
    "The Desire of Christmas"
    (Numbers 24:15-19)
    The world's greatest desire has always been for some kind of savior as every human being intuitively knows that things are desperately wrong in this world and life.  In this prophecy, we see how Jesus is the fulfillment of humanity's hopes, dreams, and desires for a savior.
  • Nov 29, 20202020-11-29 The Victory of Christmas
    Nov 29, 2020
    2020-11-29 The Victory of Christmas
    "The Victory of Christmas"
    (Genesis 3:14-15)
    The first prophecy about Jesus' birth was given by God Himself at the dawn of human history.  In this message, Pastor Matt takes a look at this amazing prophecy and how it promised total victory over Satan on the day of humanity's greatest failure and defeat!
  • Nov 15, 20202020-11-15 Embarassed!
    Nov 15, 2020
    2020-11-15 Embarassed!
    (Jeremiah 23:25-32)
    The 2020 Presidential Election is over and Joseph Biden has won.  Yet, in the months, weeks, and days leading up to the election, many prominent Christian leaders went on the record proclaiming that God had revealed to them that Donald Trump would win reelection.  What happened?  
    In this message, Pastor Matt challenges the American Christian Church to be embarrassed over its infatuation with the false prophets and false teachers who have placed personal ego and party politics over the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Nov 8, 20202020-11-08 It’s About God and You
    Nov 8, 2020
    2020-11-08 It’s About God and You
    "It's About God and You"
    (Ezekiel 18:1-4)
    We are influenced by many different relationships at any given point in our lives - sometimes positively, sometimes negatively.  When the influence is negative we tend to lock ourselves into a "victim mentality" which cripples our ability to follow Jesus and serve God at our greatest capacity.  In this passage, we're reminded that the only relationship that really matters, that really makes a difference is the relationship between God and You!