Aug 1, 2021
2021-08-01 Stand Up For God, No Matter What
"2021-08-01 Stand Up For God, No Matter What".
(Daniel 3:1-30)
After disobeying Nebuchadnezzar's order, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into a blazing furnace. While in the furnace, God protects them and the fire doesn't even phase the three friends. In the same way, Christians must be willing to stand up for God, no matter the cost.
  • Aug 1, 20212021-08-01 Stand Up For God, No Matter What
    Aug 1, 2021
    2021-08-01 Stand Up For God, No Matter What
    "2021-08-01 Stand Up For God, No Matter What".
    (Daniel 3:1-30)
    After disobeying Nebuchadnezzar's order, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into a blazing furnace. While in the furnace, God protects them and the fire doesn't even phase the three friends. In the same way, Christians must be willing to stand up for God, no matter the cost.
  • Jul 25, 20212021-07-25 What Is Your Ninevah
    Jul 25, 2021
    2021-07-25 What Is Your Ninevah
    "2021-07-25 What Is Your Nineveh".
    (Jonah 1:1-17)
    God gave Jonah a command-go to Nineveh. However, Jonah refused and ended up being eaten by a whale. In this message, Pastor Ronald talks about the consequences of Jonah's actions, as well as encourage believers to do what God might ask of them. 
  • Jul 18, 20212021-07-18 The Fatal Mixture
    Jul 18, 2021
    2021-07-18 The Fatal Mixture
    2021-07-18 The Fatal Mixture
    (Genesis 19:12-25)
    Up until this point in Lot's life, it was only compromise that he dealt with. However, with God announcing He was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot also had to deal with the pressure. This message talks about the damage this can make when you put the two together. 
  • Jul 11, 20212021-07-11 Hazy Spirituality, Blurry Morality
    Jul 11, 2021
    2021-07-11 Hazy Spirituality, Blurry Morality
    "Hazy Spirituality, Blurry Morality"
    (Genesis 19:1-11)
    Lot made multiple mistakes, but tried to cover them up by doing what he thought was right. Lot failed to realize that the opposite was true-he did everything wrong. In the same way, if we are not careful, we can also fall into this trap. In this message, we learn how to avoid this trap, as well as the hope we have when/if we do.
  • Jul 4, 20212021-07-04 -Crumbling Convictions-Crisis Situations
    Jul 4, 2021
    2021-07-04 -Crumbling Convictions-Crisis Situations
    Crumbling Convictions-Crisis Situations
    Genesis 13:12-13, Genesis 14:11-12, Genesis 19:1-2
    Lot made a lot of small choices that led him to a huge compromise. He allowed some cracks in his life and before he realized, Lot fell hard into sin. As believers, we must not allow sin to rule inside us. Unlike Lot, we must run from sin and never look back.
  • Jun 27, 20212021-06-27 Are There Flaws That Need Fixing
    Jun 27, 2021
    2021-06-27 Are There Flaws That Need Fixing
    "Are There Flaws That Need Fixing?"
    (Genesis 13:1-13)
    A Miami Beach condo unexpectedly collapsed because of a flaw in its foundation.  Likewise, Christians can experience a collapse in their personal lives IF the flaws within our characters are not recognized and repaired.  When our character is compromised - the integrity of our character has been weakened or damaged in some way.  In this message we learn three core questions that we need to ask ourselves to examine our characters for flaws.
  • Jun 20, 20212021-06-20 What Will You Do
    Jun 20, 2021
    2021-06-20 What Will You Do
    "What Will You Do?
    (Acts 1:1-11)
    Right before His ascension into Heaven, Jesus gave His disciples one last piece of instruction. The disciples then had a choice to either be obedient to what Jesus said or to be disobedient. Jesus gives us the same choice. The question is what will you do with that choice?
  • Jun 13, 20212021-06-13 I Will Build My Church
    Jun 13, 2021
    2021-06-13 I Will Build My Church
    "I Will Build My Church"
    (1 Corinthians 15:1-8)
    Jesus did not intend for us to live life alone-we need each other. That is why, although we're imperfect, Jesus brings the Church together. Jesus promises to not only build His Church through individuals, but also through community. 
  • May 30, 20212021-05-30 How Far Will You Go
    May 30, 2021
    2021-05-30 How Far Will You Go
    "How Far Will You Go?"
    (Matthew 28:16-20)
    Often times, Jesus calls us to the mountain of worship and it is a glorious calling. However, Jesus doesn't call us there to stay. There is work God has for each of us to do. Are you willing to step into the ministry Jesus has for you?
  • May 23, 20212021-05-23 Lessons for Living
    May 23, 2021
    2021-05-23 Lessons for Living
    "Lessons for Living"
    (John 21:1-14)
    One of the greatest struggles Christians have is in moving their salvation-faith in Jesus as the Resurrected Son of God into a living-faith in Jesus as the Resurrected Son of God.  The first aspect of faith occupies a moment in our lives while the second aspect of faith is meant to occupy and define EVERY moment of our lives.
  • May 16, 20212021-05-16 When Believers Won’t Believe
    May 16, 2021
    2021-05-16 When Believers Won’t Believe
    "When Believers Won't Believe"
    (John 20:24-29)
    In the 6th Post-Resurrection appearance, Jesus appeared to His disciples to specifically speak to Thomas.  Thomas was a believer in Jesus who had made a decision to not believe.  Like Thomas, many believing Christians have made personal decisions to not believe - to limit the work of God in their lives in different areas.  This message identifies where the issues are and outlines the cure!
  • May 9, 20212021-05-09 Two Doors
    May 9, 2021
    2021-05-09 Two Doors
    "Two Doors"
    (Luke 24:36-49) & (John 20:19-23)
    For everyone - both Christians and non-Christians - Jesus has to overcome two different doors to be Lord of our lives.  For the Christian especially, the overcoming of the second door, the door of emotional obstacles and mental opposition is vitally important to our lives and growth as believers in Jesus.
  • May 2, 20212021-05-02 Crisis,Confusion, Illumination
    May 2, 2021
    2021-05-02 Crisis,Confusion, Illumination
    "Crisis, Confusion, Illumination"
    (Luke 24:13-32)
    Everyone faces times of crisis and confusion in life.  Times during which we don't have the answers.  In this message about the 4th Post-Resurrection appearance of Jesus we learn that when we (even as Christians) face these times of Crisis and Confusion, our answer, our hope is in Jesus.
  • Apr 25, 20212021-04-25 Jesus Cares About YOU
    Apr 25, 2021
    2021-04-25 Jesus Cares About YOU
    "Jesus Cares About YOU"
    (Luke 24:33-35)
    None of the disciples of Jesus was more personally devastated than Peter.  He had been so confident of his ability to suffer alongside Jesus, yet (like us) when the test came he failed miserably.  Yet, Jesus took time to appear to Peter personally and privately to begin the process of Peter's healing and restoration.  In this message, we see how Jesus so loves and respects us as individuals, that He will work with you personally and privately.
  • Apr 18, 20212021-04-18 Do Not Be Afraid!
    Apr 18, 2021
    2021-04-18 Do Not Be Afraid!
    "Do Not Be Afraid!"
    (Matthew 28:1-10)
    As humans, we deal with many different fears - some healthy and some unhealthy.  One of the most unhealthy fears that we can have (even as Christians) is a Fear of Jesus.  A fear that holds us back from fully believing, fully yielding, fully committing, and fully following Jesus.  In this message, we learn from the Bible how to renounce this unhealthy fear and be transformed by Jesus!