Dec 12, 2021
2021-12-12 A Generous God-A Wealthy People
Series: 2021 Special Messages
"A Generous God-A Wealthy People"
(Ephesians 4:1-8)
God longs to give us gifts-in fact, it's in His nature. However, for us as Christians, it can be hard to realize the gifts God has given us. In this message, Pastor Matt encourages us to be thankful for the wonderful gifts God has given us as well as remind us of these gifts.
- Dec 12, 20212021-12-12 A Generous God-A Wealthy People
Dec 12, 20212021-12-12 A Generous God-A Wealthy PeopleSeries: 2021 Special Messages"A Generous God-A Wealthy People"(Ephesians 4:1-8)God longs to give us gifts-in fact, it's in His nature. However, for us as Christians, it can be hard to realize the gifts God has given us. In this message, Pastor Matt encourages us to be thankful for the wonderful gifts God has given us as well as remind us of these gifts.
- Dec 5, 20212021-12-05 Drop Your Burdens!
Dec 5, 20212021-12-05 Drop Your Burdens!Series: 2021 Special Messages"Drop Your Burdens!"(Jeremiah 17:19-22)Life as Christians can be difficult at times and there are certain burdens we carry. However, if we are not careful, those burdens can become bondages. In this message, Pastor Matt explains that we don't have to carry our burdens when we come into God's presence. In fact, God encourages us in His Word to give our burdens to Him.
- Nov 21, 20212021-11-21 The Cost and Reward of Following Jesus
Nov 21, 20212021-11-21 The Cost and Reward of Following JesusBy: Special GuestSeries: 2021 Special Messages"The Cost and Reward of Following Jesus"(Matthew 16:21-28)As Christians, it can be so easy to focus on the reward of following Jesus that we forget the cost. In this message, Pastor Jeff challenges us to count the cost, as well as look to the rewards following Jesus bring.
- Nov 14, 20212021-11-14 What’s Your Story
Nov 14, 20212021-11-14 What’s Your StorySeries: 2021 Special Messages"What's Your Story"(Psalm 107:1-3;43)All of us have a testimony to tell of how faithful God's been in our lives, no matter how difficult our lives have been. Jesus has done great things in each of our lives and for that, we can be thankful.
- Nov 7, 20212021-11-07 And His Disciples Believed In Him
Nov 7, 20212021-11-07 And His Disciples Believed In HimSeries: Wine, Wedding, and The Way"And His Disciples Believed In Him"(John 2:1-11)Up until this point, the disciples had been following Jesus simply because of His status as a teacher. However, after this miracle, the disciples realized that Jesus wasn't just a teacher; He was the Messiah. In this final message of the series, Pastor Matt talks about how we can believe and trust in Jesus for ourselves.
- Oct 31, 20212021-10-31 God Has Saved The BEST Till Now
Oct 31, 20212021-10-31 God Has Saved The BEST Till NowSeries: Wine, Wedding, and The Way"God Has Saved The BEST Till Now"(John 2:1-11)There are wonderful things God has prepared for us and the good news is, the best is still to come. This message explains all the wonderful things God has in store for our lives, not only as His Church, but also as individual sons and daughters.
- Oct 24, 20212021-10-24 The Water of Cleansing Became the Wine of Celebration
Oct 24, 20212021-10-24 The Water of Cleansing Became the Wine of CelebrationSeries: Wine, Wedding, and The Way"The Water of Cleansing Became the Wine of Celebration"(John 2:1-11)In this message, Pastor Matt explains how a Christian is to live. At times, we can get caught up in trying to do all the right things, but miss Jesus in the process. While doing the right things is good, we must be careful to not fall into legalism.
- Oct 17, 20212021-10-17 Do Whatever He Tells You
Oct 17, 20212021-10-17 Do Whatever He Tells YouSeries: Wine, Wedding, and The Way"Do Whatever He Tells You"(John 2:1-11)There are many voices in our lives that are trying to get our attention. Especially in the society we live in today, it is so easy to just ignore the voice of God and disobey Him. However, now more than ever, we need to obey Jesus and do whatever He asks of us.
- Oct 10, 20212021-10-10 My Hour Has Not Yet Come
Oct 10, 20212021-10-10 My Hour Has Not Yet ComeSeries: Wine, Wedding, and The Way"My Hour Has Not Yet Come"(John 2:1-11)Jesus understood that He wasn't working in His own time, but in God the Father's time. God's timing is very different from human's timing and it can be frustrating waiting on God sometimes. However, Jesus has promised that God's time is truly the best time.
- Oct 3, 20212021-10-03 Stand Alone for God
Oct 3, 20212021-10-03 Stand Alone for GodBy: Special GuestSeries: 2021 Special Messages"Stand Alone for God"(Genesis 6)In this message, Pastor Ronald challenges us to stand for God, even if no one else is doing it. There are so many things calling for our attention, but God's voice must be the voice we obey and hear above all the other voices.
- Sep 26, 20212021-09-26 They Have No More Wine
Sep 26, 20212021-09-26 They Have No More WineSeries: Wine, Wedding, and The Way"They Have No More Wine"(John 2:1-11)Jesus turning water into wine was the very first miracle He performed. Before the physical miracle, however, Jesus addresses a spiritual problem-the people were far from God. If we aren't careful, we also can drift from God and the plan He has for our lives. In this message, we learn how to avoid drifting as well as how to turn back if we have drifted.
- Sep 12, 20212021-09-12 Being Missions-Minded People
Sep 12, 20212021-09-12 Being Missions-Minded PeopleBy: Special GuestSeries: 2021 Special Messages"Being Missions-Minded People"(Galatians 1:3-5)In this message, Missionary Gene Breitenbach reminds us of the calling God has given each of us-Go and make disciples. In order to fulfil that, we must go to those who act differently than we do and not hide from them.
- Sep 5, 20212021-09-05 The Ultimate Catastrophe
Sep 5, 20212021-09-05 The Ultimate Catastrophe"The Ultimate Catastrophe"(Genesis 19:23-38)Lot looked like he had everything together from the outside, but from the inside, he had a lot of compromise in his life. In this final message on the life of Lot, Pastor Matt talks about the fruit that comes out of a compromised believer and how damaging that fruit can truly be if not dealt with.
- Aug 29, 20212021-08-29 Stand Up and Look Up
Aug 29, 20212021-08-29 Stand Up and Look UpSeries: 2021 Special Messages"Stand Up and Look Up".(Luke 21:9-28)When talking to His disciples, Jesus warns them of what must take place before the end comes. Today, the end times are closer than they've ever been and the events that have occurred these past few years are proof of that. The question is will you heed Jesus' warnings or will you ignore them?
- Aug 8, 20212021-08-08 There Is Room At The Cross For You
Aug 8, 20212021-08-08 There Is Room At The Cross For YouBy: Special GuestSeries: 2021 Special Messages"2021-08-08 There Is Room At The Cross For You".(Romans 5:12-21)Many people today are stuck in their sin, wanting relief but not finding it. In this message, Pastor Jeff points to the relief of people's sin-The cross.